以下、Max Ambergerに関しては、ネット上から拾った情報ですが、何かの参考になれば幸いです。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This very well-made guitar is from the Max Amberger workshop. Max Amberger, (1838-1889) was a luthier in Munich who founded a company that built zithers, violins, and guitars around 1860. When he died, his son, Henry Amberger (1863-1910) took over company and continued building under his father’s name (R.Vannes 1951:8). After his death, Henry"s widow took over the company. The Amberger’s were close friends of the Hauser’s and some writer’s claim that Hermann Hauser worked for Max Amberger before opening his own shop. Hermann Hauser III denies this. “My grandfather never worked in the shop of Max Amberger, rather Hermann bought the company from Amberger’s widow in 1921, and moved his workshop from Bayerstr. 33 to the Amberger workshop on Mllerstr. 8” (personal communication). Under Hauser, the Max Amberger company continued to build zithers. Hauser Sr. simply added “Inh Herm. Hauser” to the label as its proprietor. In fact, the Max Amberger company now under Hauser III continues to manufacture zithers even today. This guitar was probably built between 1895 and 1921, and is a Munich style guitar which is nearly identical those that Hermann Hauser built into the 1920s. Hermann Hauser III has a Max Amberber guitar much like this one in his own collection that he has photographed next to his grandfather’s Munich model for comparison. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 楽器の年代が結構経っていますので、バックやサイドに割れ等の修復痕があります。
19世紀ギター Max Amberger? Romantic Guitar (Munchen?) (Hermann Hauser I Braun Hauser 19世紀)
メーカー:不明(Max Ambergerかもしれないです)
製作者不明の19世紀ギターになります。然しながら、現在、同時出品しているMax Amberger工房のギターとあまりにも細部に渡りにているので、Max Amberger工房による作かもしれないです。
大きくは、バック材のジャーマンバーチにフレイムメイプルの合板、パーフリング、ブリッジの形、ギターそのものの形がかなり似ています。また、ペグが同じものだと思います。(ペグに関しては、Hermann Hauser、Braun Hauserも多分同じだと思いますので、同年代のドイツ系は、多分ほぼ同じだと思います。
楽器の形状は、当時のMunchenのギターそのものの形状で、Hermann Hauser、Braun Hauserと近しい形をしています。(georg staufferほど、バックの傾斜がきつくないです)
以下、Max Ambergerに関しては、ネット上から拾った情報ですが、何かの参考になれば幸いです。
This very well-made guitar is from the Max Amberger workshop. Max Amberger, (1838-1889) was a luthier in Munich who founded a company that built zithers, violins, and guitars around 1860. When he died, his son, Henry Amberger (1863-1910) took over company and continued building under his father’s name (R.Vannes 1951:8). After his death, Henry"s widow took over the company. The Amberger’s were close friends of the Hauser’s and some writer’s claim that Hermann Hauser worked for Max Amberger before opening his own shop. Hermann Hauser III denies this. “My grandfather never worked in the shop of Max Amberger, rather Hermann bought the company from Amberger’s widow in 1921, and moved his workshop from Bayerstr. 33 to the Amberger workshop on Mllerstr. 8” (personal communication). Under Hauser, the Max Amberger company continued to build zithers. Hauser Sr. simply added “Inh Herm. Hauser” to the label as its proprietor. In fact, the Max Amberger company now under Hauser III continues to manufacture zithers even today. This guitar was probably built between 1895 and 1921, and is a Munich style guitar which is nearly identical those that Hermann Hauser built into the 1920s. Hermann Hauser III has a Max Amberber guitar much like this one in his own collection that he has photographed next to his grandfather’s Munich model for comparison.
音は、同年代の19世紀ギターのミュンヘン系の音がと思います。最高峰がHermann Hauserだとすると、それ系の音がなります。(ラコート系や、パノルモ系よりも乾いた音だと思います)
(ちなみにチューニングは、モダンギターの弦を貼って440hzにすると楽器が壊れると思いますので、ガット弦か、acquira ambraをお勧めします)
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Braun & Hauser - ca. 1900-1906 at SICCAS GUITARS - The world's finest guitars in one place
Braun & Hauser Hermann Hauser I And Mr. Braun, Munich Model 1905 Guitar For Sale The Fellowship Of Acoustics
Hermann Hauser® I - 1925 62 cm at SICCAS GUITARS - The world's finest guitars in one place
Hermann Hauser [ヘルマン・ハウザー] ハウザー1世【19世紀ギター】 1920年頃 ビンテージ 883444 Hermann Hauser [ヘルマン・ハウザー](ヘルマン・ハウザー)【楽器検索|Jギター】
19世紀ギター Max Amberger? Romantic Guitar (Munchen?) (Hermann Hauser I Braun Hauser 19世紀)|代購幫
Imported Classical Guitars 〔Vintage〕|AURA Guitar Catalog
Original 19th Century Romantic Guitar | Reverb Norway
1900 Hermann Hauser
2007 Hermann Hauser III "Max Amberger" CD/IN Guitar | GSI
Hermann Hauser I Vienna model 1926 - Vintage Guitar World
Braun & Hauser - ca. 1900-1906 at SICCAS GUITARS - The world's finest guitars in one place
Hermann Hauser [ヘルマン・ハウザー] ハウザー1世【19世紀ギター】 1920年頃 ビンテージ 883444 Hermann Hauser [ヘルマン・ハウザー](ヘルマン・ハウザー)【楽器検索|Jギター】
19世紀ギター Max Amberger? Romantic Guitar (Munchen?) (Hermann Hauser I Braun Hauser 19世紀)|代購幫
Hermann Hauser I ~1900 Münchner Modell - Vintage Guitar World